Jeff Sessions

Thu Jul 27, 2017: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has somehow been adopted by the Left and News Media as the poster boy for – get this – Cyber Bullying. People from outside and inside the White House are decrying (and crying over) President Trump’s tweets about his “beleaguered” AG.


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Oh Please, he still has a job and getting paid; funnily he doesn’t have much of a job to do and yet happily he gets paid for doing, not much – attend (some) meetings?

Senator Lindsey Graham just said that these “attacks” (CNN’s word) on Sessions “Are not going over well.” Not going over well where, or why? Please do tell. Because when an employee gets a tweet from his boss to do his job, he should take that under serious consideration.

Now I’m not saying governance or employee management by tweet is the best way to go about it; I think all this should be kept out of the public eye. But it’s outdoors now and we are getting to see how management is going about this. And we need to all deal with it like adults – if that’s at all possible.

The tweets are, “unnerving and unfair,” Graham continues. Why do they hurt your feelings? What is so unnerving about this scenario? The Attorney General of the United States can’t do his job — i.e., he can’t participate in the biggest criminal/political investigation of the year: The investigation into Russia meddling in the presidential election (and Hillary’s DNC email server).

Jeffrey recused himself from all things Russia related – furthermore, all things Trump campaign related. I would think the Left would be wholly up in arms over this. What? – you mean he can’t prove that the election was thrown and Trump collaborated with Vladimir Putin? How is the Left letting this fish off the hook so easily, by diminishing it to a mere case of cyberbullying. (#StopCyberbullies)

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Granted there are an abundance of investigations happening and every agency in Washington is looking into this matter — and let’s not forget we have a Special Prosecutor in former FBI Director Robert Mueller. But Sessions can’t talk to him. Seriously! I’m not kidding, he’s in the dark. So I’m left to believe Jeffrey just goes to his office everyday and drinks coffee (that we pay for) at his desk (also furnished by us hardworking Americans. Those of you who are working, that is.)

You really don’t think this is a problem. You really think this is Trump “attacking” poor Jeff Sessions. You really think it’s not a problem that the head of the AG’s office can’t get involved with any of the investigations of the Bob Mueller investigation. What happens when something new comes to light and is brought to the attention of the US AG? He will what, punt? Didn’t think of that did you — there is something new every week that we learn about this saga and Sessions can’t touch it.

Let me put it to you another way. The Financial Crisis of 2008. Imagine for a second if Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson recused himself during that shitshow. How would that look? “Sorry, I worked at Goldman Sachs and I have a conflict of interest with every investment firm on Wall St and most of the biggest banks in America. I’m out. Good luck.”

If the #1 at Treasury couldn’t be involved in anything about the economic crash of 2008? Nothing? No meetings, no phone calls, no letters, no emails (except from Hillary because those are private) – just pushed right out of the camera view. How would that have helped anyone of us, except Hank Paulson maybe he would not have thrown up every morning is he was on the sidelines. Does this Sessions scenario sound absolutely ridiculous now?

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That is the example I think of and I shudder to think what is going on now in this present situation and being missed with AG Sessions out of the game. Granted, he’s probably not the best lawyer on the dock and we might not be missing much in terms of input – but still, it’s the principle of the thing that gets me.

I read the wheat through the chaff and when I read the President’s tweets I don’t see an “attack,” I see the President lamenting his choice for Attorney General. He has a lame duck attorney general working for him; and in an interview President Trump said had he known Sessions would have to recuse himself he might not have picked him. All valid and fair points for anyone in the United States to say – except for Trump. When he says it he’s being a bully (#Cyberbully).

Why is this OK? Why does the President have to be stuck with a lame duck for an AG? Why can’t he openly and honestly give us insight into his thinking and how he makes important decisions? Because the alternative is that the President has to be stuck with a dishonest Attorney General that put himself before the office and the American people; and we certainly would not tolerate that behaviour from Donald Trump would we?

About the Author

William Cunningham is an Intellectual Property and Financial Services professional. He had a 15 year career at Thomson Reuters in the IP, Trademark and Copyright division, as well as the Global Financial Markets and Risk business unit. He lives in Massachusetts with his dog Winston-Montgomery.

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