Manchester United.  

Another city, another suicide bombing; more confusion where there shouldn’t be. I’m thinking back oh, 100 days or so ago to the airport protests here in the United States. Dozens of airports across the nation teeming with protesters enraged about the so called “Muslim Ban.” Americans were so angry that 6-8 ‘Muslim majority countries’ had to go through extra security measures (extreme vetting) before entering the United States. How dare you, Mr President! This is blatant discrimination! An illegal executive order, a violation of the Constitution! An abuse of power!

Alas, we get a bomb in the face. Sixty casualties at an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena. Ariana Grande! Think of the demographic they hit: 10-15 year old little girls, and their Dads. Good job, ISIS. (And here we thought Boko Haram had cornered the market of terrorizing unsuspecting little girls.)

Think of the calculus that went into this: Targeting a concert stadium full of teens and tweens trying to enjoy pop music. Not a soccer game, or a Christian rock group; little bumble-gum chewing girls out on a school night. Nevermind does it, who thinks of such a thing?

The device went off as soon as the house lights came on and the concert ended. Ariana retreated backstage and the crowd headed to the exits straight towards an explosion outside. The bomber was determined to kill and maim a maximum amount of people as they streamed outside toward him.  This effort was not designed to frighten or warn.

At the time of writing we have over [82] casualties and tens of thousands frightened children and parents, who now have this trauma to deal with forever. CNN is not sure what to do at this early stage of a developing story. They have “three sources” telling them it was a likely suicide bomber, and yet Anderson Cooper still feels compelled that this is not yet confirmed [at 10 pm EST].

Which has me thinking, How many independent sources does CNN need before airing a story? Didn’t take many sources at all for them to tell the world that Trump compromised intelligence methods and clandestine measures to the Russians in the Oval Office. But that’s Trump. CNN analyst Phillip Mudd still has questions he wants answered before committing to a reason for the explosion. He wants to know who financed, them, where did the money come from, who supplied the materiel, was it one bomber or two, and is he part of a terrorist network. A fingerprint and a name to ID the person to see if he was under surveillance by the security services. What?

These people haven’t even been triaged yet, and this hack just wants to skip ahead to deconstructing the terror celle. Do the victims have your thoughts and prayers yet Phil and CNN, or do you want to wait until we’re absolutely sure that these victims were hurt with malicious intent.

Malicious intent to maim or kill is the primary driving force of a terrorist attack. Killers and murderers don’t get the benefit of the doubt before the victims and families who lost those they cherished.

Sun June 4,

London Attack Summary (BBC)

  • Seven [7] people have been killed in a terror attack near London Bridge. Police shot dead the three attackers
  • Ambulance service says 48 patients were taken to five hospitals; 21 are in a critical condition
  • Four [4] police officers were injured, two seriously
  • Eight armed officers fired a total of 50 bullets at the three attackers
  • One member of the public suffered gunshot wounds and is receiving treatment in hospital
  • 12 people have been arrested during police raids in Barking, east London
  • It’s understood one of the attackers lived at the address in Barking; neighbours say he was married with two children
  • PM Theresa May condemns the “single evil ideology of Islamist extremism,” saying “enough is enough”
  • The general election will go ahead on 8 June

About the Author

William Cunningham is an Intellectual Property and Financial Services professional. He had a 15 year career at Thomson Reuters in the IP, Trademark and Copyright division, as well as the Global Financial Markets and Risk business unit. He lives in Massachusetts with his dog Winston-Montgomery.

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