The Comey Identity.

I really don’t know where to start with this Comey chaos story. There are too many side stories and such unimportant noise that is reported, I’m left with the impression that there aren’t any journalists out there who can identify a fact or a lead or a story if one jumped out of the water and landed in the boat (a ship of fools, as it is). And I’m including you, Carl Bernstein, who at this point is likely to insist on arming the Fourth Estate with our military surplus in order to better continue with their “investigative journalism.”

There are just too many inconsistencies abound and a good dose of honest soul-searching wouldn’t hurt right about now. The Left has to admit that this whole thing goes back to the election and it IS about Her losing. The Right has to come to grips and shore up the White House grounds with more sandbags to stop all of the leaks flooding out. And the media has to admit that they are quite happy about the whole thing — running around reporting anything and everything and treating it like breaking news. (Two scoops of ice cream- Really, CNN? Even Andy Rooney would have passed on that.)

When can we get to work on important issues like who we will align with, China or Russia, going forward with our new foreign policy? Because we can’t have three superpowers operating independently of each other — just ask Britain, Germany, and France.

The Russian Connection started before Trump even got into Office which should be enough time for someone on the Left to tell me exactly what this Russian thing is. Go on, do tell. What is it all about? What is its purpose, or what did it try to accomplish?

Because all I’ve heard in testimony to the Congress is that “No evidence exists concerning collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.” Former DNI and DIA director James Clapper said that, numerous times on tv and during testimony. He at one point even said he was unaware of any investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia — and he was the Director of National Intelligence! Feel safe? He was just getting paid to be oblivious. Oh, but our democratic institutions are under assault – OK, thanks for playing, Clappy.

But what is it? What did it do? We can set aside the ‘no evidence’ part, tell me what this was supposed to accomplish. Did it expose Hillary Clinton’s off-site unsecured email server and emails therein? I thought the FBI did that. Was it to pay Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page money for nothing? Knew that, too. (Aside, if anyone paid Carter Page a speaking engagement fee, that’s on you; the guy looks like he can’t order lunch at the drive-thru nevermind his business presentations. If Putin paid to listen to him talk, then I feel much more comfortable with Russia’s naivete and tolerance for stupidity.)

Since no one can say what this is all about, everyone feels free to define it however they so choose; fixing the election, removing the sanctions against Russia, a government coup, a Constitutional crisis, a big new Trump branding scheme. Lacking a clear outrage the responses run through obstruction of justice, rigging the election, insanity and madness. Today the looney Left is just outright believing that the president is clinically mentally unfit (see Blow, Charles and Wilkinson, Francis)<1>. Hillary has crowned herself leader of “the Resistance,” and a Maryland Congressman wants to invoke the 25th amendment to determine if the president is qualified to do job.<2> (Rep. Raskin came up with this idea the day Trump was elected, so he’s basing this all on his campaign antics?)

That is all actually insulting. Either way you look at it, it is insulting to the Office of the President, or insulting our intelligence.

Laurence Tribe is a law professor at Harvard and wrote in the Washington Post calling for the outright Impeachment of President Trump.<3> Why? Because his Tweets don’t match what he said to Lester Holt, or Trump gathered opinions and thoughts from others before firing Comey while other voices from the WH further explained the decision was made on a certain day and time. Uhhh – what?! Which is it?! The letter from the AG or your impulse on Tuesday?! It can’t be both! This is real life, not baseball sabermetrics!

Tribe goes on to call to call Trump a “whimsical authoritarian leader,” who tried to “bribe” Comey over dinner with a loyalty oath, and who disregards the ‘limits of the Constitution’ when “people get close to the truth.” Tribe’s best quote from his interview today on Lunatic Central (CNN) was, “I’m not saying that the proof is absolutely certain” for impeachment — Oh well, thank you for being reasonable. Good to know the Post and CNN are just looking for filler.

My goodness. Thank God this guy doesn’t teach at BC.

Is the Left frustratingly confounding ‘obstruction of justice’ with management decisions? You can disagree with decisions throughout Trump’s Administration(s), but wrapping the rationale for doing so in conspiracy theories is just plain lazy and not worth anyone’s time.

If Trump fired Comey on a whim without any input from anybody, that would worry me. That he said he thought about it and got recommendations from two (2) Attorneys General is comforting — not an impeachable offense! And I’m going to be judging this presidency on what is accomplished – actions; Not tweets, not bumbling quotes, and certainly not on any opinions proffered by the news media with an agenda, or lunatics in the Democratic Party (talking to you, Chuck Schumer. We’ll get to you later.) – BC



<1a.> “Trump’s Madness Invites Mutiny” – NYT, & 1b. “Trump Shows He Is Unfit, and Yet He’s Still the President” – Bloomberg

<2.>Jenna Portnoy, Washington Post –

<3>Trump must be impeached. Here’s why. – Washington Post –

About the Author

William Cunningham is an Intellectual Property and Financial Services professional. He had a 15 year career at Thomson Reuters in the IP, Trademark and Copyright division, as well as the Global Financial Markets and Risk business unit. He lives in Massachusetts with his dog Winston-Montgomery.

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