Author: williamcunninghamus

The Comey Ultimatum

Former FBI Director James Comey released his statement to Congress a day ahead of his testimony, so the circus really has come early to town. CNN is aghast and agog at the essay he has written, documenting his conversations and meetings with President Donald Trump in their brief time working together. Eight people on CNN…

CNN Reporting

“Sources Say,” that Russia held ‘derogatory’ information about the Trump presidential campaign.  First there was collusion between the campaign and Russia, now Russia was going to interfere with the Trump campaign. Before this, Russia was emboldened to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. Previously, Russian president Vladimir Putin was out to get the Democrat candidate…


DHS Secretary, John Kelly , “I don’t see the big deal.” General HR McMaster, “We have backchannel communications with a number of countries…So, no, I would not be concerned about it.” Col Cedric Leighton, Air Force (ret.), “There is absolutely no doubt that backchannel communications have been used in the past to great effect.”  

Manchester United.  

Another city, another suicide bombing; more confusion where there shouldn’t be. I’m thinking back oh, 100 days or so ago to the airport protests here in the United States. Dozens of airports across the nation teeming with protesters enraged about the so called “Muslim Ban.” Americans were so angry that 6-8 ‘Muslim majority countries’ had…

Trump’s Intel

Can we put this issue to rest yet? (Didn’t think so.) Our President Trump did not disclose classified information, nor methods or sources, to Russian officials last week in the Oval Office.  (Booo! He committed Treason!)  No, he didn’t you lunatics.  And if anyone listened to half of the stories dripping  out over the past…

The Comey Letter.

I don’t think CNN is going to make it through the week given the reaction to the President’s firing of FBI director Jimmy Comey. But we’ve seen this before after Donald Trump does something to send them into the stratosphere; yet they always seem to pick up the pieces and put them back together in…


The mutation in C9orf72 consists of a repetition of a short DNA sequence GGGGCC which can expand in patients up to several thousands of repetitions. The length of the C9orf72 repeat is determinative for the age of onset of the disease.